How this works

Our goal is to offer a Christ-centered martial arts program that you can do anywhere, on demand, at your pace. While we cannot replicate everything a student will experience in a "brick-and-mortar" martial arts school, the system we teach is uniquely suited for such a training method. It is our firm belief, that if you apply yourself as a student and follow our system, you will grow increasingly into a more and more proficient martial artist, for your good, the good of those you know, and ultimately for the glory of our Lord Jesus. (1 Cor. 10:31)

The image below, shows our "Success Plan." This is the pathway you will follow from your very first online class with us, until your Black Belt, or whatever your personal goals are!

Steps in the Success Path - Foundations Course

  1. Many people will enroll in the FOUNDATIONS COURSE to ensure that this is a good fit for them prior to enrolling in our monthly BEGINNER MEMBERSHIP.
  2. If you are sure you are ready to commit to progressing through the Success Path, you are welcome to skip the FOUNDATIONS COURSE and start right at the BEGINNER MEMBERSHIP.
  3. Once you enroll in the course you will begin moving through it, lesson by lesson. See the section below on "How do the lessons work?" to learn more about the details of this process.
  4. As you hit certain milestones in the course, you will receive, via email, a special progress "badge" marking important points in your journey.
  5. When you have completed all the lessons, you will submit a video of you demonstrating what you have learned in the course. If there are items that we need you to fix, we will ask you to submit additional videos until you have satisfactorily demonstrated the proficiency required. At that point, you will earn your BEGINNER CERTIFICATION in Christian Martial Arts. 

Steps in the Success Path - Beginner Membership

Once you hav completed the FOUNDATIONS COURSE and want to continue your journey, the next step is to join our BEGINNER MEMBERSHIP. This will complete your journey from White Belt to Yellow Belt that you started in the FOUNDATIONS COURSE and then lead you to your Orange and then Purple Belts! At this point, you will be no longer considered a "beginner," as you will have moved to the "intermediate" stage of proficiency.

Of course, if you are ready to begin the journey right away, you can skip the FOUNDATIONS COURSE and jump right into the BEGINNER MEMBERSHIP!

How do the lessons work?

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Founder & Senior Instructor, Marco Fiorentino - Godan (5th Degree Black belt)